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About Us

IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY is a not-for-profit organisation based on Christian Values, dedicated to assisting young people to improve their sporting and life skills. This is achieved through our various training and mentoring programs, which allows them to become valued members of the greater community. With over many years of combined experience, the IAA team delivers quality services to individuals and their communities.


Our Vision

To nurture a new breed of athletes that will be both strong spiritually and physically. This will enable them to be the best they can be on and off the field, to fulfill their purpose and to be a positive impact within their families, peers and communities for Jesus Christ.


Our Mission

To equip each athlete with tools so that they will be prepared both spiritually and mentally. This is achieved through holistic mentoring, pastoral care and bible studies to guide them in their journey to identifying identify their life’s purpose.


IAA aims to prepare its participants physically through state of the art fitness training delivered by trainers, athletes and strength & conditioning coaches, which provide an edge for athletes to reach their desired goals. This ultimately encourages them to become positive influences, developing their abilities to serve and give back to their families, peers and communities.


IAA also aims to endow participants with a positive attitude and outlook through the guidance of bible teachings, and ministerial care. We aim to encourage the growth of stronger ties to community, embody a sense of faith and respect in our youth, and equip participants with a lasting, positive attitude to serve them in the greater world.


Our Values

  • Faith and Respect.

  • Integrity and Commitment.

  • Family and Culture.

  • Love and Humility.

  • Servant-hood.

Our Goal

  • Renew   -    Renew the mindset, renewed attitude.

  • Equip     -    Equip with the tools to help make the right choices.

  • Release  -   Release to grow and to serve.

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