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HPU Code of Ethics and Conduct


As a participant/athlete in the IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY HPU program, your actions reflect not only on you, but also on your teammates, your coaches and the academy. Please read carefully. 


HPU/Player Code of Conduct Agreement


As IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY participant, I agree to abide by and follow the rules of the academy listed below:


  • I understand that to remain in HPU I must be a registered financial member of Iron Armour Academy.

  • I understand that being a HPU member does not guarantee selection for an IAA pathway but does included support and development needed for my goals.

  • I understand that I must seek approval to engage in any sporting, physical, training or mentoring programs outside of Iron Armour Academy (this does not include school based programs). This is to ensure my development is inline with the affiliates/partners as I am a representation of Iron Armour Academy. This is at the discretion of the IAA leadership.

  • I will never bring and/or use drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or weapons of any kind to IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY session, training, games, practices, trips or any other events where I am a representative of IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY.

  •  I understand that my behaviour reflects on my teammates, coaches and IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY as a whole. I will always be on my best behaviour at sessions, training, games, practices, other team events and in the general public.

  • I will always ensure that my dress is neat, clean and I will always be presentable in public.

  • I will never curse or use foul language and gestures towards others or myself. When representing IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY, I will approach the IAA leaders for guidance with any issues that may be inhibiting me to participate to my best ability.

  • I will respect my coaches and/or leaders at all times and listen carefully to their instructions. I understand that they are giving their time to make me a better player/athlete/person. When I do not understand I will ask question in an appropriate, respectful manner.

  • I will support and respect my teammates and opponents at all times. I will not tease, ridicule, put down or make fun of any players on my team or the opposing team, at any time.

  • I will show good sportsmanship at all times, both when winning and losing. I will always congratulate the other teams and wish them well.

  • I am committed to developing myself. This includes attending all required sessions, listening to my coaches and/or leaders of IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY, and always giving my best effort.

  • I will arrive at sessions, training, games and/or events on time and be prepared. I understand that it is my responsibility to have all of my equipment needed ready for sessions, training, games and/or events.

  • I will be available to support at IAA events and volunteering programs. 


I understand that by submitting the HPU acceptance for; I will uphold the IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY HPU/Player Code of Conduct.


I acknowledge that violation of this Code of Conduct may result in appearing before the IRON ARMOUR ACADEMY Disciplinary Committee. The IAA disciplinary committee reserves the right to suspend or withdraw my HPU membership to IRON ARMOUR ACADMEY due to breach of the Player Code of Conduct agreement.




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